Quality Policy


  IC-PE-010 Quality Policy 


  At CEMATIC we are committed to providing a quality service to our clients and interested parties, which is why our quality policy is based on the following principles: 

Commitment to Customer and Stakeholder Satisfaction: 

We strive to understand and anticipate the needs of our customers and stakeholders in order to exceed their needs. 

We ensure timely and accurate delivery of CEMATIC valves and regulators, meeting the highest quality standards. 

Excellence in Products and Services: 

At CEMATIC we work continuously to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the valves and regulators we distribute. 

We maintain quality control processes to ensure the integrity and optimal performance of each product. 

Compliance with requirements: 

We are committed to operating in accordance with the rules and regulations applicable to the distribution of CEMATIC products. 

We guarantee transparency and legality in all our business operations. 

Staff Development and Training: 

We foster an environment of continuous learning for our team, ensuring they are trained and up-to-date on the latest technologies and industry knowledge. 

Continuous Improvement: 

We regularly evaluate our quality management system to identify opportunities for improvement. 

We implement corrective and preventive actions to improve our processes and services. 

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: 

We are committed to operating sustainably, minimising our environmental impact and contributing positively to the communities in which we operate. 

This Quality Policy is communicated and understood by all members of CEMATIC and we are dedicated to its effective implementation. We strive to remain leaders in the distribution of CEMATIC valves, ensuring the trust and loyalty of our customers. 

Eng. Ricardo Coronel 
Managing director 


Rev:00                        Date: 02/29/2024